“You should be so lucky!”

“You should be lucky to have a job at a time like this!” You’ve probably heard that line at least once in your life from a parent or relative. It’s the conversation-ender any time you complain about your job or benefits being cut or something else that you don’t feel like you should have to […]

The best time to look for a job…

… is when you have one you love. Or at least when you have one you can tolerate. When you have a job that you are not dying to leave, you can be incredibly picky with the job you potentially accept. I’ve had job offers from top tier Silicon Valley startups that I’ve comfortably told, […]

How to Graduate from Helpdesk

I read a lot of posts these days about folks who are celebrating their graduation from helpdesk roles into more technical positions. I’ve noticed a lot of common traits in the folks I’ve personally seen make the jump from helpdesk to other roles. Some of these traits have to be learned; others, practiced. Some of […]